New York A72


Vintage snapshot of a crowd of people behind police barricades in New York. – 1960’s

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SKU: SSA-072 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Vintage and Original

New York A72

Photo is printed on heavy paper. Agfa Brovira is stamped a couple times on the back at the top. It’s hard to see because it’s small and the yellowing doesn’t help.

Photo in good condition with some spots/marks that can only be seen while viewing photo at a certain angle to the light.

Back is covered with dried glue that has yellowed.

Small area of paper has been lifted from the back of the photo.

Photo measures about 3 1/4″ x 4 1/2″.

*Scans may be enlarged to show detail and colors may vary slightly as all monitors and screens are calibrated differently.